From Sobre Ruedas we intend to develop an ambitious project that aims to contribute to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the province of Tucumán, through professional training, with the establishment of a pilot area to develop qualified jobs and the generation of adaptive technologies that improve accessibility to their rights, particularly to work and health.
This project is framed in the perspective of disability based on human rights. In contrast to the rehabilitative or medical model, the social model places disability as one more characteristic, within the diversity that exists between people, and not as a limiting factor that defines a person's life condemning it to discrimination and social exclusion .
We seek to generate opportunities for social inclusion for people with motor disabilities by designing professional training methodologies that provide them with skills valued in the labor market. The action foresees as a result the training of young people with motor disabilities in inclusion technologies. This will have a high impact by being able to train from a transdisciplinary perspective, interact with other young people who present similar life stories and be included in the university environment, which has enormous architectural and pedagogical barriers.
We want to install an Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Biomechanics for Inclusion (LaBIOS), an adapted electromechanical laboratory and workshop, which includes as fundamental actors, to include people with motor disabilities destined to the design, development and evaluation of adaptive technological innovations and support systems where can develop and manufacture prototypes of adaptive devices that improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. Furthermore, this action will promote the training of university professionals trained and committed to social inclusion.
We would like to contribute to the formation of a Disability Advisory Council that brings together civil society organizations, academics, the private sector and the government. as well as leaving operational capacities installed through the creation of an Observatory on Disability where surveys, methodologies, reports and analyzes of successful cases on the subject are carried out, which will positively impact the formulation of public policies from a participative perspective.
La The Faculty of Exact Sciences and the Biomedicine career develop assistive technologies. In addition, the UNT has the Disability and Social Inclusion Program (ProDIS).
The General Secretariat of the Government is a cross-cutting area for all Ministries and considers disability as an important area to promote social inclusion policies from the perspective of rights.
The National Scientific and Technical Research Council is an Argentine government agency which directs and co-ordinates most of the scientific and technical research done in universities and institutes..
It is an NGO that carries out activities and projects in the framework of culture, sports, health and disability in vulnerable contexts. Executes ENACOM (National Communications Entity) projects.
The INCITEC Foundation (Promoting science and technology) aims to encourage entrepreneurship and local development through science and technology, encourage research as a source of socio-productive growth.